Truth, Justice and the American Way!

My message to a fellow patriot:

For me personally, 9/11 marked a milestone of spiritual awakening.  To that juncture, with about 6 years of ‘recovery’ under my belt, the event served to shake me from a disquieted slumber.

Reflecting on my own experience since then, the extent to which those like you and I have impacted American culture is nothing less than astounding.  Tragically however, and as time passes, I think there’s also a growing consensus that despite our influence, the magnitude of evil we’ve exposed is dispTruth, Justice and the American Way!aragingly pervasive.

Similarly then, but on a global scale, I find it fascinating how many like ourselves appear to recognize that the issue of ‘human rights’ too, is perhaps under its greatest assault from any time since the mid-19th Century (American Civil War).  Sadly however, while this puts in abidance virtually everything we hold sacred in our understanding of human truth, justice, and freedom, it’s also levying a perceived threat against an archaic status quo.

To varying degrees then, but at the level of everyday sustenance, this has the practical effect of pitting brother against brother, and neighbor against neighbor.  Thus, this same scenario becomes all the more nightmarish when a ‘bourgeoisie’ consigned with the ‘divine’ power to arbitrarily criminalize, ‘pathologize’ [sic], or demonize; begins to carry out its societal duties as a ‘coup de grace’ upon a mindlessly conditioned, but unsuspecting proletariat.

My best advice . . . ?

Against those without qualms about sacrificing your soul (life) for theirs, be wary of all embracing the Apocalypse!

State of the Revolution

Here’s just a quick synopsis or overview of the United States’ present condition.  We’re currently confronted with the imposition of a debt based economic system and accompanying social order that, while centuries in the making, is now less than a couple of years away from realizing its objective of global dominion. 

This scenario places Mankind as a whole, and particularly the Muslim nation, in a position of resisting further expansion and intrusion of this authoritarian plan which few realize, is far more exploitive than productive.  The underlying problem however, is that those like you and I who better understand the history and workings of this Beast, are vastly outnumbered by the uncaring, uninformed, mass population. 

Yet, because those like ourselves have been steadily increasing in number, particularly over the last year or two, and because mainstream society (education, media, banking, government, etc.) continues to ignore our concerns and unjustly oppose efforts toward constructive reform, we appear at the brink of national upheaval.  For these same reasons however, it seems likely we’re witnessing the unfolding of a remarkably unique period of history, comparable to the turmoil faced by America’s citizenry at the onset of the Civil War or by those uprooted during the Nazi purges of the 30’s.

Confronted with these realities then, the question nonetheless remains, what does the prudent individual do?  The practical answer is, use those resources available to you to carry or impart the ‘truth’ to others.  The internet, at least for the time being, is still an amazingly powerful tool in helping us reach and educate those who are willing and capable of thinking for themselves.  Along these same lines then, utilizing sites like SourceWatch (User:Gospelnous) can also prove very effective.  The American Freedom Agenda sites I’ve helped develop there are a testament to that fact.

I’d also like to invite anyone who hasn’t already done so to read, A Crisis in American Leadership (Part Four) as reflecting the underlying groundwork for the views I express here.