Ron Paul Highlights: Reagan Library Debate

Well, it doesn’t get much easier or straight forward than this:

State of the Revolution

Here’s just a quick synopsis or overview of the United States’ present condition.  We’re currently confronted with the imposition of a debt based economic system and accompanying social order that, while centuries in the making, is now less than a couple of years away from realizing its objective of global dominion. 

This scenario places Mankind as a whole, and particularly the Muslim nation, in a position of resisting further expansion and intrusion of this authoritarian plan which few realize, is far more exploitive than productive.  The underlying problem however, is that those like you and I who better understand the history and workings of this Beast, are vastly outnumbered by the uncaring, uninformed, mass population. 

Yet, because those like ourselves have been steadily increasing in number, particularly over the last year or two, and because mainstream society (education, media, banking, government, etc.) continues to ignore our concerns and unjustly oppose efforts toward constructive reform, we appear at the brink of national upheaval.  For these same reasons however, it seems likely we’re witnessing the unfolding of a remarkably unique period of history, comparable to the turmoil faced by America’s citizenry at the onset of the Civil War or by those uprooted during the Nazi purges of the 30’s.

Confronted with these realities then, the question nonetheless remains, what does the prudent individual do?  The practical answer is, use those resources available to you to carry or impart the ‘truth’ to others.  The internet, at least for the time being, is still an amazingly powerful tool in helping us reach and educate those who are willing and capable of thinking for themselves.  Along these same lines then, utilizing sites like SourceWatch (User:Gospelnous) can also prove very effective.  The American Freedom Agenda sites I’ve helped develop there are a testament to that fact.

I’d also like to invite anyone who hasn’t already done so to read, A Crisis in American Leadership (Part Four) as reflecting the underlying groundwork for the views I express here.

They’re ‘Neighborhood Patrolmen’, Not Fascists!

I’d been informed a couple of weeks ago, the ‘residence’ I’d rented here in Lake Elsinore over the last two years was actually a ‘laundry room’ and didn’t subsequently ‘meet code’.  Given only a few days notice, I was to pack everything up and move.  Though I’d retained my Temecula address for mail, I’d not divulged where I was currently residing, figuring it could only cause further inconvenience for me.  I’d just been grateful to have a clean, dry, place to stay, in addition to the increased number of cable stations I’d been receiving since ‘relocating’.

So . . . earlier this morning, as I was sitting at my keyboard working, someone knocked at my door.  I suppose I could have asked, “Who is it?”, but until now, it’s inevitably been either a friend or neighbor.  You can imagine my surprise to instead, find myself facing a uniformed ‘patrolman’ from ‘Code Enforcement’ holding a clipboard, folder, and citation pad who began inquiring about the property owner’s whereabouts.  I feigned ignorance, “I know nothing . . . nothing.”

With pen and notepad poised, he then expressed an interest in learning my name.  Appearing as personable as he did, I offered my first name but perhaps, encouraged by my cooperation, he pressed for a last name as well.  When I told him I wasn’t comfortable sharing a great deal of information with him, he replied that I certainly had the ‘right’ to decline doing so.  Though we ended the conversation with each other politely enough, he continued to mill around the grounds and, a few minutes later, knocked on the door to the kitchen where I’d gone to fix a cup of coffee. 

Somewhat amused at this point, when I opened the door, he asked in a friendly tone, “Oh, do you live here, too?”  What followed was an interesting dialogue, the only disparity being, his time was compensated for by our community’s taxpayers, while mine wasn’t.  Nevertheless, I’ve noticed this is often the case for me lately.  Because I consider myself a reasonably competent educator, circumstances frequently offer an opportunity to explore new and creative avenues for instruction.

However, as Mono and I talked, and recognizing his prime objective entailed keeping his job, we discussed what constructive steps he might take in actually improving living conditions, rather than simply inflicting homelessness on myself and members of my immediate community.  Also, and while he couldn’t go into any detail as to ‘who’ was actually responsible for the ‘complaints’ he’d received (I suspect my mother . . .), Mono occasionally exhibited a certain amount of defensiveness about his job, the uniform, (I intentionally ignored the new minivan), his religious orientation, etc.  Thus, and recognizing that we’d probably never be bosom buddies, I kept reemphasizing the importance of communicating with each other as human beings.

Oddly, it seemed important to him that I could be as understanding of his situation as I was . . .

Our Shared Mission – ‘Restore the Republic’

Though my personal involvement in the ‘patriot movement’ is less than 3 years old, I began researching, writing, and addressing certain notable ‘inconsistencies’ in the ‘historical record’ immediately following 9/11.  Over that same period of time then, and like many of you, I’ve strived to develop my capacities in utilizing multi-media resources to share my findings with others.

Consequently, I’ve recently published the fourth installment of a series entitled, A Crisis in American Leadership on the internet.  In my subjective but nonetheless biased opinion, I think the article provides a reasonably good and comprehensive overview of our nation’s current predicament.  Therefore, as a means of facilitating dialogue, and helping each other to better direct our efforts, I’d like to offer a few ‘orienting generalizations’:

1. The existence of a ruling Oligarchy or global elite is real and the power and effect of its influence is evidenced through organizations like the Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderberg Group, Trilateral Commission, etc.

2. The shared vision, goals, and ideologies of these respective organizations aren’t necessarily the same as, or even consistent with, those values and ideals established within the U.S. Constitution.

3. Perhaps foremost among these Constitutional principles is a declaration that the power to govern is an ‘unalienable right’ both originating in, and residing with, ‘we the people’ and subsequently, only entrusted to others on the condition they preserve and safeguard freedom and justice for our mutual benefit.

Given the background of our heritage, but considering the magnitude of the grievous abuses currently waged against those who, like me, stand only for these same noble and time-honored ideals, a call to action is imperative.  Because our enemy’s tactics typically entail turning brother against brother by lying to, and otherwise deceiving us from either knowing or subsequently conveying the truth, it’s crucial we remain focused on our commonly shared objective to, Restore the Republic.

A Crisis in Leadership: Exploiting Our Moral Vagrancy

This is an article I’d written over the last few months and just published to my website two days ago.  Utilizing some of the latest internet advances, A Crisis in American Leadership offers a comprehensive history of the ‘New World Order’ and further reflects its ongoing development since 9/11.

“Cataclysm is headed our way. I speak not religiously here, but historically, politically, economically. This is not an “end times” scenario. We will endure as a nation, but in what form — slave or free? If freedom is to survive the cataclysmic times ahead, it will be because there are still those who can see the big picture, still those who understand that natural law rules all men, still those who possess the contrarian will to fight with word and deed — not for what is popular, but for what is TRUE.”

Nelson Hultberg, from “Apocalypse This Way Comes”